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5 Reasons Why You Work More and Complete Less

If your days feel like a whirlwind of meetings, ad-hoc calls, and leaving the office wondering if you’ve accomplished anything, you’re not alone.. In this post, I’m laying out the top 5 reasons why you might be working more but accomplishing less. By understanding these common traps, you can start to break free from them and reclaim control of your time and productivity.

1. Lack of Clear Prioritization

Your work day is similar to going on a roadtrip. Before hitting the road, you need a plan. If you’re not clear on your priorities, you’ll end up tackling someone else’s agenda. Define your top 3 priorities each day and make dedicated time to conquer them. It’s your roadmap to success!

2. Poor Energy Management

Feeling drained at the end of the day is not only about time management; it’s about energy management. Schedule your priorities strategically to minimize focus shifts. Get into the habit of working on blocking time to work on all tasks related to project A before you switch to Project B. Multitasking will drain your energy!

Also, this is your permission slip to take mini fresh air breaks throughout the day. Stay hydrated, and, of course, eat! Managing energy is a game-changer.

3. Allowing Distractions

Notifications can be your worst enemy. Disable them! Recognize that not everything is an emergency; most things can wait until you finish your current task. If you don’t set your priorities, you’ll spend the day dancing to someone else’s tune.

Make sure you turn off set automatic Do-Not-Disturb mode on your phone.. In fact, do that right now and you won’t have to think about it when you’re in the office 😉

4. Difficulty Saying No

Setting boundaries is crucial. Learn the power of ‘no.’ It’s not just about uttering the word; it’s about setting expectations. Reframe the word NO into something you are comfortable saying. For example, when someone asks you to work on an ad-hoc task, try saying: “Let me look into that and get back to you by EOD tomorrow”. This shows interest, communicates your commitment, and sets a timeframe. People respect clear boundaries.

5. Compromising Your Boundaries

Once you set boundaries, stick to them. Consistency teaches others to respect your limits. If you compromise, you’re signaling that those boundaries are negotiable. Stay firm, and watch how your environment adapts to your rhythm.

By addressing these common productivity pitfalls, you will break free from the cycle of working more and completing less. By prioritizing your tasks, managing your energy, minimizing distractions, saying no when necessary, and maintaining your boundaries, you can take control of your workload and achieve your goals with greater ease and efficiency.


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About Yousra


I’m a developer, IT project manager and development team lead. I love helping non-tech besties thrive in IT project management. 

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