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How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome as an IT Project Manager in 2024

Feeling like a fraud? You’re not alone.

Imposter syndrome is a common struggle, especially for IT project managers. You might feel like you’re not technically skilled enough, doubt your abilities, and hesitate to ask questions. Learn how to equip yourself with tools to overcome imposter syndrome

1. Accept the Feeling:

Don’t resist the feeling. It’s valid, and most people experience it (they’re just good at hiding it!). Despite my extensive background in computer science and nearly ten years as a developer, taking on a project manager role induced panic. I felt like a complete fraud. Acknowledging and accepting these feelings were crucial. Whether transitioning to a product manager or leading a development team, imposter syndrome resurfaced. Embrace your emotions and strive to project confidence despite them.

2. Embrace the Learner Mindset:

Focus on continuous learning. As a project manager, you don’t need to know everything. Ask questions, be curious, and expand your knowledge.

Here are some actionable tips:

  • Schedule 1-on-1 meetings with the developer you’re most comfortable with and ask them your questions.
  • Connect with other project managers for knowledge sharing sessions.
  • Educate yourself and stay updated on industry trends by reading about the technologies your team uses.
  • Connect with me! My goal is to build a community of IT project managers that support each other. So reach out and let me know how I can help you today.


Remember, as your knowledge grows, so does your confidence.

3. Shift Your Focus:

Imposter syndrome is about ego, not reality. Instead of dwelling on self-doubt, focus on your team’s success.

You might not be a coding expert, but you bring valuable skills to the table:

  • Communication skills
  • Conflict resolution expertise
  • Big-picture thinking
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Empathy and willingness to learn

Recognize your strengths and the value you offer.

4. You Deserve to Be Here:

You were hired for a reason. You either impressed in interviews or showcased potential within your company.
Your continued employment proves you’re doing well. Don’t let self-doubt overshadow your achievements.

5. Celebrate Your Wins:

Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Celebrate asking questions, learning from others, or even reading this article or watching the video!
The more you celebrate your wins, the more momentum you build and the faster you’ll grow and boost your confidence.


Imposter syndrome is common. Focus on small, consistent steps to build knowledge, courage, and confidence. You’ve got this!

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About Yousra


I’m a developer, IT project manager and development team lead. I love helping non-tech besties thrive in IT project management. 

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