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Turning Failure into Growth: A Guide to Giving Constructive Feedback

Missed deadlines, unmet expectations, and miscommunications – they happen to the best of us. But when faced with a team member who hasn’t delivered, how do you provide feedback that fosters learning and improvement, instead of resentment and blame?

In this article, I’m sharing my step-by-step guide to delivering constructive feedback that drives positive change. 

Setting the Stage for Success:

  1. Private Setting: Ditch the group setting. Criticism in front of others can be demoralizing and unproductive. Schedule a private “check-in” to discuss areas for improvement.
  2. Prepare & Frame: Let them know that you’d like to discuss an area of improvement. This helps set expectations and ensures they are mentally prepared for the conversation.
  3. Start Positive: Begin the conversation on a positive note. Acknowledge the individual’s strengths and contributions before addressing the areas needing improvement. This sets a constructive tone for the discussion.

Delivering the Feedback:

  1. Focus on the Issue: Clearly explain the issue without veering off-topic or becoming emotional. Focus on the behavior or action that needs improvement, rather than attacking the person’s character. Avoid using words like “always” or “never” and focus on the specific situation at hand.
  2. Empathy & Assertiveness: Remain empathetic yet assertive during the conversation. Acknowledge any discomfort the individual may feel but emphasize the importance of open communication and improvement.
  3. SMART Goals: Collaborate on specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for improvement. Short-term goals ensure progress and accountability.

Building a Supportive Environment:

  1. Plan for Success: Help them develop a plan to achieve their goals. Provide resources and training if necessary to help them improve their performance.
  2. Hold Them Accountable: Schedule regular check-ins to track progress and maintain momentum.

Don't Forget the Human Touch:

  1. End on a Positive Note: Take a moment to engage in casual conversation or show interest in the individual’s personal life. Building trust and rapport fosters open communication within the team.


Remember: Constructive feedback is an investment in your team’s growth. By following these steps, you can turn setbacks into opportunities for learning and collaboration.

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About Yousra


I’m a developer, IT project manager and development team lead. I love helping non-tech besties thrive in IT project management. 

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